Eyeblink: Smash the Patriarchy — YTB Gallery

YTB Gallery

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Eyeblink: Smash the Patriarchy

In support of the exhibition YOKO ONO: THE RIVERBED, Eyeblink is a three-part monthly screening and performance series that draws inspiration from Ono’s 1960s and 1970s filmmaking.

This co-presentation between YTB Gallery, Pleasure Dome, and the Gardiner Museum is inspired by the underlying feelings of rage and empathy witnessed by the audience in Yoko Ono’s films Freedom (1970) and Fly (1971).

In the Gardiner’s lobby, Pleasure Dome will screen Frances Leeming’s iconic The Orientation Express in an installation format. Her pop art animations are hitched to a feminist train of unending wit and corporate takedowns.

Upstairs, Younger Than Beyoncé Gallery has devised Smash The Patriarchy; a party engaging with enragement. Partygoers are encouraged to scream, shout, dance wildly and support each other’s righteous anger at the patriarchy. The party includes performances by Ronnie Clarke and Annie Wong which explore rage, empathy, and in the case of Wong’s We’re Winning So No Comment, multiple perspectives on intersectional feminism. Films by Kelsey Whyte depict the hellish discomfort of the model/actress in a dystopian photo shoot that invoke similar sensations of unease as in Ono’s films. These artworks spark outrage, but also encourage empathy and listening between different experiences and forms of oppression within feminism, and encourage conversation about how feminism has changed since Ono’s films were released in the 1970s.

Admission includes entry to YOKO ONO: THE RIVERBED.

Learn more: www.gardinermuseum.on.ca/event/eyeblink-smash-patriarchy