LatinXO - a fundraiser for the victims and survivors of the pulse shooting — YTB Gallery

YTB Gallery

LatinXO - a fundraiser for the victims and survivors of the pulse shooting

YTB GalleryComment

The recent events in Orlando's Pulse Night Club was a targeted attack against the Latinx, Black, POC and Queer community that has left many still shaking. It was a loss of a safe space where many people came together to dance, heal and explore who they are.

Many of the victims/survivors, undocumented folks, are currently racking up incoprehensible hospital bills or indebted with funerary services.

LATINXO is a fundraiser, celebration of queer Latinx identity and healing dancefloor for those hurting. The event will take place July 8th from 7pm to 2am at YTB Gallery 563 Dundas Street East.

Daniel Morales

Felipe Nadeau

More TBA

Visual art on display by:
Sebastián Benítez
Karen Campos Castillo
Gustavo Cerquera Benjumea
Alisson Escobar
Francisco-Fernando Granados
Rita Camacho Lomeli
Pablo Muñoz
Alejandro Santiago

Tickets can be purchase online through Eventbrite for $10.
A portion of the tickets will be saved for the door for sliding scale prices. Noone will be turned away for lack of funds.


***Latinx is a growing Latin American movement of trans*, gender non-conforming and queer and two-spirit Latinx people pushing social and political boundaries.

Organized by Younger than Beyoncé Art Gallery and OCAD Student Union

The space is accesible through an elevator that goes to our second floor space. Washrooms are accessbile and marked gender neutral.